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local government 地方政府;地方自治。

local option

E - government and the management innovation of local government 電子政務下的政府信息流再造

On debts of local governments and issuing local treasury bonds 地方政府負債與地方公債的發行

A study of market economy guided by chinese local governments 論中國地方政府主導型市場經濟

They were members of the local governments 他們成了當地政府的成員。

On the standardication of economic conduct of local governments 論地方政府經濟行為的規范化

Primary education comes under the umbrella of local government 小學教育受地方政府的保護。

Probing into the operation of local governments ' capital function 地方政府資本職能運作探析

Role renewal of local governments in west china development 地方政府在西部開發中的角色更新

The local government of this township has some privilege 這個鎮區的當地政府享有一些特權。

Strengthening the administrative supervision of local government 加強地方政府行政監督研究

Local governments ' competition and the institutional innovation 地方政府的競爭與其制度創新

Minister of housing and local government and welsh affairs 房屋地方政府及威爾士事務部長

Research on china local government institutional innovation 中國地方政府制度創新研究綜述

Function of local government and public finance 地方政府職能與公共財政

The trend of the service reform of our local governments 論我國地方政府改革的服務型趨向

The expansion of local government ' s expenditure in china 中國地方政府支出規模的膨脹趨勢

On thinking for local government competition 對地方政府間競爭的理念反思

Wto : a game analysis on local government behavior 地方政府行為的博弈分析

Reflection on the absence of function of the local governments 對地方政府職能虛位的思考